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Full-bleed layout with modern CSS

Use modern CSS and a few lines of code to create a full-bleed layout.

Full-bleed? It's when an element needs to bleed outside the main container and extend to the edge of the page.

CSS-only zig-zag borders

html {
container-type: inline-size;
main {
--w: 600px; /* the max-width */
--m: 1em; /* margin on small screen */

margin-inline: max( var(--m),(100cqw - var(--w))/2);
.full-bleed {
margin-inline: min(-1*var(--m),(var(--w) - 100cqw)/2);

Another more-compact syntax

html {
container-type: inline-size;
main {
--_m: max(1em,(100cqw - 600px)/2);
margin-inline: var(--_m);
.full-bleed {
margin-inline: calc(-1*var(--_m));

See the Pen Full-bleed layout with modern CSS by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.

Check the following to understand why margin-inline and max(): "max-width + centering with one instruction"

Here are other variations with different margin behaviors

html {
container-type: inline-size;
main {
--w: 600px; /* the max width*/
--m: 1em; /* minimum margin */

margin-inline: max(var(--m),(100cqw - var(--w))/2);
.full-bleed-2 {
margin-inline: min(-1*var(--m),(var(--w) - 100cqw)/2 + var(--m));
.full-bleed-3 {
margin-inline: min(0px,(var(--w) - 100cqw)/2);
.full-bleed-4 {
margin-inline: min(0px,(var(--w) - 100cqw)/2 + var(--m));

Resize the below demo to see the difference

See the Pen Full-bleed layout variations by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.

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