A single-element volume control component
Similar to the star rating component, I am creating a volume control component using the native range slider and zero JavaScript. No extra element is used and you can control the number of bars by simply adjusting the max
<input type="range" min="1" max="5">
input[type=range] {
--s: 50px; /* the size of the bar (including the gap) */
--g: 30%; /* the gap (percentage of the above size) */
--_n: attr(max type(<integer>)); /* update max to control the number of bars */
aspect-ratio: 3/2; /* you can update this as well */
width: calc(var(--_n)*var(--s));
padding-inline: calc(var(--s)/2);
box-sizing: border-box;
linear-gradient(90deg,#0000 calc(var(--g)/2),#000 0 calc(100% - var(--g)/2),#0000 0)
0/var(--s) intersect,
linear-gradient(to top left,#000 50%,#0000 0),
linear-gradient(to top left,#000 calc(50% + 50%/var(--_n)),#0000 0) intersect,
repeating-conic-gradient(#000 0 25%,#0000 0 50%)
0 100%/calc(200%/var(--_n)) calc(200%/var(--_n));
appearance: none;
input[type="range" i]::-webkit-slider-thumb{
width: 1px;
conic-gradient(at calc(50% + var(--s)/2),#D9CEB2 50%,#3FB8AF 0)
fill 0//400px calc(var(--_n)*var(--s));
appearance: none;
See the Pen CSS-only volume control (click to update!) by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.