3D shine animation with a hover effect
Add a fancy 3D animation to your image with a cool hover effect
- No extra element (only the
tag) - No pseudo-element
- Optimized with CSS variables
img {
--c: #bec1c9; /* the main coloration of the rotating gradient */
width: 250px; /* the size of the image*/
aspect-ratio: 1;
border-radius: 25px;
border: 4px solid #0000; /* the thickness for the rotating gradient */
padding: 10px; /* the gap */
conic-gradient(from var(--a),
#0000 calc(30% - var(--p)),
var(--c) calc(50% - var(--p)) calc(50% + var(--p)),
#0000 calc(70% + var(--p))) border-box;
--g: linear-gradient(#000 0 0);
var(--g),var(--g) padding-box,
conic-gradient(from var(--a),
#000d calc(30% - var(--p)),
#000 calc(50% - var(--p)) calc(50% + var(--p)),
#000d calc(70% + var(--p))) content-box;
mask-composite: exclude;
--_t: perspective(450px); /* the bigger, the better */
animation: 4s linear infinite;
animation-name: a,r;
transition: --p .5s,--r .4s;
img:hover {
--p: 50%;
--r: 0deg;
animation-play-state: paused;
@keyframes a {
to {--a: 405deg}
@keyframes r{
100% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d( 1, 1,0,var(--r))}
12.5% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d( 0, 1,0,var(--r))}
25% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d(-1, 1,0,var(--r))}
37.5% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d(-1, 0,0,var(--r))}
50% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d(-1,-1,0,var(--r))}
62.5% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d( 0,-1,0,var(--r))}
75% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d( 1,-1,0,var(--r))}
87.5% {transform: var(--_t) rotate3d( 1, 0,0,var(--r))}
See the Pen 3D shine animation with hover effect by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
More CSS Tips
- 3D trailing shadows for images A simple trick to add a 3D shadow to your images.
- A reveal hover effect with an expanding circle A simple but nice hover effect to reveal your image.
- Sliding reveal animation for your images A cool reveal effect on hover with a sliding animation.
- Color your image with a sliding hover effect Reveal the color of a black & white image using a simple code.