Hue manipulation using color-mix()
Use the new color-mix()
to manipulate the Hue of a color in the HSL color space
.box {
--color: red;
--h: 0; /* angle (from 0 to 360 without unit) */
color-mix(in hsl longer hue,
var(--color), var(--color) calc(var(--h)*1%/3.6)
The same can be done using relative colors but the support is still low:
.box {
--color: red;
--h: 0; /* angle (from 0 to 360 without unit) */
--new-color: hsl(from var(--color) calc(h + var(--h)*1deg) s l)
See the Pen hue manipulation using color-mix() by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
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