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A Sparkle shape with one gradient

How much code is needed to create a Sparkle shape? ✨

Only one gradient and you can easily get the border-only variation.

CSS-only sparkle shape

.sparkle {
radial-gradient(#0000 71%,#F8CA00 72% var(--_b,))
10000% 10000%/99.5% 99.5%;
.border {
--b: 10px; /* control the thickness */
--_b: calc(71% + var(--b)),#0000 calc(72% + var(--b));

See the Pen Sparkle shape with one gradient by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.

And if you consider mask you can have a gradient coloration

.sparkle {
background: linear-gradient(45deg,#F8CA00,#fe7496);
radial-gradient(#0000 71%,#F8CA00 72% var(--_b,))
10000% 10000%/99.5% 99.5%;
.border {
--b: 10px; /* control the thickness */
--_b: calc(71% + var(--b)),#0000 calc(72% + var(--b));

See the Pen Sparkle shape with gradient coloration by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.

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