A wiggly box (wavy borders) using CSS Mask
Using the same code structure as the wavy box to create another variation, a wiggly box!
- Only one element (the
tag) - No pseudo-elements
- Optimized with CSS Variables
- Works with gradient coloration
img {
--s: 20px; /* control the size of the wave */
--w: 350px; /* preferred image width */
width: round(var(--w),4*var(--s));
aspect-ratio: 1;
padding: calc(3.5*var(--s));
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: calc(4*var(--s));
--_g:conic-gradient(#000 0 0) no-repeat 50%/;
radial-gradient(var(--_r) 100%,#0000 calc(100% + 1px))
0 0/calc(4*var(--s)) calc(4*var(--s)),
var(--_g) calc(100% - 6*var(--s)) calc(100% - 6*var(--s)),
var(--_g) calc(100% - 4*var(--s)) calc(100% - 4*var(--s)) subtract,
radial-gradient(var(--_r) calc(100% - 1px),#0000)
var(--s) var(--s)/calc(2*var(--s)) calc(2*var(--s));
See the Pen Images inside wiggly boxes by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
Here is another implementation with less gradients but no rounded corners for the image:
img {
--s: 20px; /* control the size of the wave */
--w: 350px; /* preferred image width */
width: round(var(--w),4*var(--s));
aspect-ratio: 1;
border: calc(2*var(--s)) solid #0000;
padding: calc(1.5*var(--s));
box-sizing: border-box;
radial-gradient(var(--s),#000 100%,#0000 calc(100% + 1px))
0 0/calc(4*var(--s)) calc(4*var(--s)),
conic-gradient(#000 0 0) no-repeat
50%/calc(100% - 6*var(--s)) calc(100% - 6*var(--s)),
radial-gradient(var(--s),#0000 calc(100% - 1px),#000)
var(--s) var(--s)/calc(2*var(--s)) calc(2*var(--s)) padding-box;
See the Pen Images inside wiggly boxes II by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
And another one with a different visual for the corners
See the Pen Images inside wiggly boxes III by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.