Fade content inside border using mask
Create a fading content while keeping the border visible using CSS mask. It works with border-radius
and no need to know the value of border.
.box {
border: 4px solid orange; /* we don't need to know the border-width */
linear-gradient(#000 0 0),
/* fade only the padding area
(in the opposite direction) */
linear-gradient(#0000,#000 90%) padding-box;
mask-composite: exclude;
See the Pen Fading content inside border II by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
A different idea without mask-composite
but it won't work with border-radius
and you need to know the border-width
.box {
--b: 4px; /* border thickness */
border: var(--b) solid orange;
/* keep the border visible */
conic-gradient(from 90deg at calc(2*var(--b)) calc(2*var(--b)),#0000 25%,#000 0)
calc(-1*var(--b)) calc(-1*var(--b)),
/* fade the content */
linear-gradient(#000,#0000 90%);
Online demo: codepen.io/t_afif/pen/YzObqzg
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