A Modern way to create hexagon shapes
An easy and modern way to create Hexagon Shapes
- Only 2 CSS declarations
- No magic numbers
- A simple 4-point polygon for the clip-path
.hex {
aspect-ratio: 1/cos(30deg);
clip-path: polygon(50% -50%,100% 50%,50% 150%,0 50%);
.hex-alt {
aspect-ratio: cos(30deg);
clip-path: polygon(-50% 50%,50% 100%,150% 50%,50% 0);
/* Notice how I simply switched the x/y
of the previous polygon, easy! */
See the Pen CSS-only hexagon shapes (the modern way) by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
More CSS Shapes: css-shape.com
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