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Overlay reveal animation for your images

Add a reveal animation to your image with a simple code

CSS-only overlay reveal animation

@property --h { 
syntax: "<length>";
initial-value: 0px;
inherits: true;
@property --e {
syntax: "<length>";
initial-value: 0px;
inherits: true;

img {
--w: 200px; /* image size */
--b: 12px; /* control the overlay size (it will be w + b)*/
--g: 15px; /* the gap between the overlay and the image on hover */
--c: #F56991;

width: var(--w);
aspect-ratio: 1;
object-fit: cover;
object-position: right;
padding-inline: clamp(0px,var(--h),var(--w)) 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: var(--c);
box-shadow: calc(var(--h) - var(--w) - var(--b) + var(--e)) 0 0 var(--b) var(--c);
--h: calc(var(--w) + var(--b));
--e: 0px;
transition: --h .3s .3s linear,--e .3s linear;
img:hover {
--h: calc(-1*var(--g));
--e: calc(var(--w) + var(--b) + var(--g));
transition: --h .4s linear,--e .3s .4s;

See the Pen Sliding reveal effect for image II by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.

Another version with a simpler animation

See the Pen Sliding reveal effect for image by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.