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Infinite shadow for your images II

Another variation of the previous effect where you can add a diagonal infinite shadow to your rounded image.

four images with a diagonal infinite shadow

img {
--b: 8px; /* the border thickness*/
--w: 200px; /* image width */
--c: #A7DBD8;

--_w: calc(0.1464*var(--w)); /* 0.1464 = (sqrt(2) - 1)/(2*sqrt(2)) */
width: var(--w);
border-radius: 50%; /* don't touch this, only rounded images */
padding: var(--b);
box-sizing: border-box;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(--b) inset var(--c);
border-image: conic-gradient(var(--c) 0 0) 1 0 0 1/
calc(100% - var(--_w)) var(--_w) var(--_w) calc(100% - var(--_w))/
999px 0 0 999px;
clip-path: polygon(
120.71% 50%,calc(120.71% - 999px) calc(50% - 999px),
calc(50% - 999px) calc(120.71% - 999px),50% 120.71%);

See the Pen Infinite image shadow II by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.
